Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Give Me An Undivided Heart...

Things here have been going very well lately. Although there have been a lot of frustrations with schools canceling school for sports competitions, God has worked through it all. Last week we had 40 girls accept Christ through the Cherish study!

It is hard to believe my time in Swaziland is over halfway over. On one hand, I can't wait to hug my family, get coffee/tea/soup/Moe's (and Olive Garden, Lorien!) with all of wonderful friends back home, and sleep in my own bed with my cat snuggled up in my arms. There is no denying that it is not easy being this far away from the people I love so much. On the other hand, I love life here so incredibly much. I love spending my days with orphans and vulnerable children. I love going to the schools and being with the high school girls. I love going to the hospitals and spending time with the kids in the kids ward and praying with and listening to mothers of sick/dying children. Getting to pour a little love and acceptance into the lives of the poor and the hurting and the sick is heartbreaking and emotionally tolling, but something about it is so incredibly fulfilling. While there are definite "Where is God in this?" moments, Jesus can be seen so clearly in the eyes of the "least of these." I love living here. I love how I see people I know when I am driving and grocery shopping. I love the girls on my team and the bond we have. I love the amusing intercultural moments that permeate life here. I love living in Africa. I don't even want to think about how badly my heart will be hurting when it is time for me to leave. Being back in Africa has felt like a sort of homecoming. I missed it so much these last 2 years. Now that I feel so at home here, how badly will it hurt to go home and readjust to life in surburban America? I know Africa is not a done chapter in my life. I just don't know what that means for my life. Am I supposed to move here? Should I go ahead and get my Master's? Should I look for a job with a non-profit that does work in Africa? What does the fact that my heart is in Africa mean for the rest of my life?

Right now, I have more questions than answers, but I know I serve a God who has the answers. I know that He hasn't called me to know the next steps, but to trust Him step by step. That has to be enough for me now. Today though, I am in Africa, and I want to be all here while I am here.

1 comment:

FRiley said...

Hi Sweetheart,

God has an incredible journey ahead of you whatever continent you end up on. Of course, I hope it's closer to home but I know that God has a path for you that is filled with good things. Draw close to Him and you'll find it. Jeremiah 42:3 says, "Show me the way in which I should walk and the thing I should do". You're in good hands.

Loving you and counting the days till you're home again (39 left).
